Assignment 7, due Apr 13
Part of
the homework for 22C:169, Spring 2007
Always, on every assignment, please write your name legibly as it appears on your University ID and on the class list! All assignments will be due at the start of class on the day indicated (usually a Friday), and unless there is what insurance companies call "an act of God" - something outside your control; the only exceptions to this rule will be by advance arrangement.
The host can send a nonce to the card which the card encrypts with kcard to return to the host. The card can send a nonce to the host which the host encrypts with khost[n] before returning it to the card. The card and host can use the value of k they've verified as a crypto key for a symmetric key cypher. The card and host can use Diffie-Hellman key-exchange to generate a shared key for a symmetric key cypher.
a) Suppose the card first sends n to the host, in the clear, and then the host and card validate each other's authenticity, and then they use Diffie-Hellman to establish a secure channel. How can an attacker who owns a valid card arrange things so that this secure channel is established to some other device, for example, the attacker's PDA instead of the card. (1/2 point)
b) Suppose the card retains the exclusive-or of all nonces it has been sent for authentication as a stockpile of random numbers to be used as the random number for diffie-hellman key exchange. Furthermore, the card always authenticates before completing the Diffie Hellman exchange. How could the card-holder exploit this? How could this exploit be defeated? (1/2 point)
c) How can Diffie Hellman key exchange be combined with the authentication process using nonces, so that the authentication process and the key exchange are carried out with a minimum amount of exchanged information? Hint: Think about using some of the information exchanged as part of the key exchange as nonces for authentication the card. (1 point)
Assume a "normal" processor on the smart card, that is, something far weaker than the processors found on typical computers. Therefore, the card cannot possibly encrypt large messages and will only encrypt small messages slowly.
Problem To log onto a computer, you type in your name and then insert your smart ID card. Suggest a protocol by which the computer could verify that you are indeed yourself (or at least, that you have the card corresponding to the name you typed in). This protocol must resist attack by forged cards. (1 point)
Problem: Suggest an alternative that allows the application, at the end of the loading process, to begin in block zero of the card and so that the loading process stores the secrets along with the first instructions of the application in block zero. (1 point)