Homework 8 Solutions

22C:116, Fall 1998

Douglas W. Jones
  1. Part A: Here is pseudocode for a mark-sweep garbage collector that will work for Pascal or C code with a boundary tag heap implementation.
    function gcmalloc( s )
      -- garbage-collection version of malloc; calls malloc and then
      -- initiates collection of malloc indicates the heap is full.
      temp = malloc(s)
      if temp = null
         return temp
         return malloc(s)  -- if this returns null, we're really out of memory
    procedure markroots
      for p = current_ar to global_ar do
         -- for every word on the stack
         b = block(p)
         if b non null
            -- if the word could be a pointer to a block on the heap
            mark(b) -- mark that block
    procedure mark(b)
      if b->gc not marked
         -- mark the block b found on the heap
         b->gc = marked
         for p = b to b + sizeof(b) do
            -- for every word in the block
            bb = block(p)
            if bb non null
               -- if the word could be a pointer to a block on the heap
               mark(bb) -- mark that block (recursively)
    procedure sweep
      b = first_block
         nb = next_block( b )
         if b->gc is not marked
            free( b )
            b->gc = not marked
         b = nb
      until b = last_block

    Part B: Here is a correct but very slow implementation of the block(p) function:

    function block(p)
      if p >= first_block and p <= last_block then
         -- p points somewhere inside the heap
         b = first_block
         while b > p or next_block(b) <= p
            b = next_block(b)
         end loop -- guaranteed to terminate because p is in heap
         return b
         -- p points outside the heap
         return null
    Faster implementations of block(p) will be be approximate! Consider:
    function block(p)
      if p >= first_block and p <= last_block then
         b = p
            if b -> gc marked
            or b -> gc not marked then
    	   -- passed test 1 -- gc field of block is valid
               if b = prev_block( next_block(p) )
    	      -- passed test 2 -- pointer fields make sense
                  return b
            b = b - 1;
         -- p points outside the heap
         return null
    The above code searches backward from the given pointer until it finds a data structure that resembles a boundary tag. The first test for resemblance is simple -- does the candidate for a tag contain the expected constants (either marked or not marked) in the garbage collection field. If this field is a word, and if the values selected to represent marked and not marked are distinctive, this test will rarely pass except when a real boundary tag is found. The second test checks the integrety of the data structure of the boundary tags, checking to see if the pointers to the next and previous blocks make sense. It is still possible that this test will be passed for a data structure that is not really a boundary tag, but it is extremely unlikely. Additional tests could be added, for example, if every boundary tag includes a checksum on the pointer fields of the tag, this could be tested.

    Yet another solution to this problem can be constructed, based on a binary search of the list of all blocks in the heap. This would require that an auxiliary index data structure be maintained to support this search, but the cost of maintaining this auxiliary index is almost certainly less than the cost of the linear search used in the first alternative used above, and the resulting solution would be formally correct.

  2. Problems 3 on page 394 asks for the maximum number of hops required to send a message on a 16 by 16 square grid of computers. The maximum occurs when a message is sent between opposite corners; in this case, the path involves 15 hops in the X direction and 15 hops in the Y direction, for a total of 30 hops. There are many possible paths, all the same length.

    Problem 4 on page 394 of Tannenbaum asks for the same figure for a 256 processor hypercube. This hypercube is 8 dimensional (an n dimensional hypercube has 2n vertices), and the maximum hop-count occurs between processors on opposite corners of the hypercube. Opposite, in n dimensions, is defined as having coordinates that differ in each of the n dimensions, and the hop-count therefore involves one hop along each dimension. So, for a 256 processor hypercube, the maximum hop-count is 8.

  3. The term kernel was originally introduced in the context of simple computer systems, not networked systems. The kernel was supposed to be used to implement such operating system services as the file system, window manager and other system services relied on by the user. Such a kernel does not necessarily know about the existance of a network, and it is conceivable that a distributed operating system could be constructed on top of such a kernel without involving the kernel in issues of network addressing or message routing. This suggests the possibility of a kernel that operates below the level of the microkernels discussed by Tannenbaum in Chapter 9. Perhaps, terms such as nanokernel will have to be introduced to allow for such low-level kernels.

  4. level(s) in the ISO OSI protocol hierarchy does The UNIX socket() service exposes the transport and session layers in the ISO OSI protocol hierarchy to the user. Sockets may be used to establish sequencec reliable two-way connections (socket type SOCK_STREAM), and this is the traditional service offered by the session layer, and sockets may also be used to send connectionless unreliable messages (socket type SOCK_DGRAM), the traditional service offered by the transport layer.