Assignment 12, due Dec 6

Part of the homework for 22C:116, fall 2002
by Douglas W. Jones
THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Department of Computer Science

  1. Background: Amoeba's server-side model of protection was applied to protecting capabilities for communications links. Consider a system using a similar model to protect capabilities for pages. The relevant system services are:
    p = newpage()
    The newpage function returns a capability for a page with all access rights turned on.

    r = restrict(p,m)
    The restrict function returns a restricted capability r for page p, where the rights to r are the same as those for p, except in cases where the corresponding bit of m is zero.

    s = map(p,a)
    Maps page p into the virtual address space of the caller at address a. The rights associated with capability p will be enforced with each memory reference to the mapped page. If successful, returns s=0. This fails if the capability p is invalid, in which case it returns -1, or if a page is already mapped to address a, in which case it returns -2.

    Any connection between virtual address a in the caller's address space and any page is broken, allowing a to be mapped to other pages.

    All capabilities for the page referenced by p are declared to be invalid. This is only legal if the invalidate right is present in the capability p. This service allows the kernel to reuse some physical page, creating new capabilities for it in response to later calls to newpage.

    Part A: Suggest a reasonable representation for the capabilities used by this service, and explain how the kernel verifies that a capability is valid and has not been tampered with.

    Part B: Is this system vulnerable to memory leaks? Explain!

  2. Background: The description of the Mach virtual memory handler given in lecture 37 is only correct if each segment is used by only one thread. If multiple threads are active, something serious goes wrong. The problem relates to mutual exclusion.

    A Problem: Identify the critical section in the code, and suggest how the system might protect that critical section.

  3. Problems from the Text:
    Do problem 7 on page 667.
    Do problem 33 on page 667.

    Part A:

    Part B:

  4. A Problem from the text:
    Do problem 34 on page 581.