Machine Problem 6, due Apr. 29
Part of
the homework for CS:2820, Spring 2019
Starting Point: Start with your solution or the posted solution to MP5. Again, you will only turn in your solution to one class, in the mp6 submit directory for your section.
The Problem: You must make the simulation work with the new simulation framework introduced in class on April 15. So, step 1 is to replace class Simulation with the version from April 15. Having done that, the remainder of the problem is to rewrite every call to Simulation.schedule to work with the new framework.
None of your changes should change the behavior of the code from that of a correct solution to MP5, but because there are so many changes, you will need to make most or all of them (carefully) before you can test your result.
As Usual: Up-to-date Javadoc comments on all non-private methods are required, and the class-level comments must claim you as author and give the date on which you completed your submission. Note that because you are submitting just one class, you can be sloppy in other classes, but the one class you submit should be "textbook quality" code.