Machine Problem 6, due May 1
Part of
the homework for CS:2820, Spring 2017
A version of TernaryLogic has been rewritten to use the new simulation framework discussed in the in-class lectures on April 17 and 19. This code was tested, and then class Gate was deleted from the distribution.
The code was written with minimal changes from the distributed solution to MP5. Your job is to rewrite class Gate; you may start with any version of class Gate that worked for MP5, and then rewrite that code to work with the new simulation framework.
Submission Instructions: Your code for class Gate and for no other class should be in a single file called, with no other methods in that file but class Gate. Submit just this one file, not the whole program! On-line submission will be accepted as in the previous machine problems, in the mp6 submission directory.
As usual, you will be graded on whether your code works and on the cosmetics of that code.
Note: Students who have failed to submit running code for MP2 through MP6 have not demonstrated minimal competence in this course. Submitting good working code for MP6 is a way of demonstrating that you have some competence.