8. Incremental Development
Part of
CS:2820 Object Oriented Software Development Notes, Spring 2016
Long before you have a useful program, you should be running it and testing it. Extreme programming, or XP as some advocates abbreviate it, recommends that any large programming project be developed incrementally. The classic model suggests that development proceed in one-week steps. During each week:
At the end of the week, either you have reached the week's goals, with a completely tested body of code, or you have failed. If you fail, the recommendation is that you completely discard the week's work and start over. The reason for this extreme recommendation is that debugging is hard. If you did not get it right within a week, starting over may well get you to working code than grinding away at the bugs that just won't go away.
Consider a piece of code that took only a few hours to write. If you have a bug in that code, is it better to spend days trying to find and fix that bug, or is it better to discard the code and spend a few hours writing a replacement? If you try to write code to the same specification as before, you might make the same mistake, so the methodology here suggests you go back and toss not only the code, but also the specification, and re-specify, perhaps making the total work for this step smaller, so that you only reach the final goal after a larger number of smaller steps.
The important thing is that each weeklong step in the development cycle starts with working code from the previous successful step and (if successful) produces working code on which the next step can be built.
Note that this is a vast oversimplificaton of the XP methodology. The full methodology speaks about team structure, coding standards, and many other details. In my opinion, rigid adherence to the full methodology is likely to be foolish, particularly since the full XP methodology seems particularly oriented toward development that is driven by the GUI structure, or more generally, by input-output specifications, and for software products that don't have GUI's, the methodology must be modified.
Regardless of that criticism, incremental development is extremely powerful and the basic framework above is very useful. The basic take-away from the XP model is: Take little steps. Don't try to get a whole large program working in one bang, but start with working code (for example, Hello World) and then augment it, one step at a time, until it does everything you want.
At the opposite extreme from extreme programming, you will find what has come to be described as the waterfall model of software development:
Many software purchase contracts have been written assuming the waterfall model, where the requirements are written into the contract, and where the contractor is required to submit a complete design before implementation begins. This has led to huge cost overruns and project failures, yet it seems to be a natural application of the methodology used for engineering projects such as constructing a dam or building a bridge. Naturally, you should completely specify what you want before designing a solution, and you should design the solution before you start building it.
An alternative approach to designing a large system is to view the system as a set of layers, where each layer is, in effect, a programming language or a programmable machine. Consider this view:
It is important to note that, in a layered system, test frameworks can be built for each layer, where the test framework does not depend in any way on the behavior of the higher layers (the layers closer to the end user and application). Furthermore, lower layers in the system may be repurposed to serve other applications.
Note that developing a hierarchy of virtual machines from the bottom up can be very messy because until the final application is developed, there is little motivation or direction for the lower layers. Nonetheless, this is a workable incremental programming methodology.
The ideas of extreme programming suggest that it might be better to slice the system diagonally, building a small part of the final application on top of a small part of each of the lower layers, growing each layer as needed to support the part of the top-level application that is next on the development list. The point here is, it can be constructive to view a system as made of multiple layers of virtual machines even if the layers are incompletely defined to begin with and even if the order of development is not the same as the order of the layers.
In any system composed of layers of virtual machines, each layer can be transparent or opaque (or a mosaic of transparent and opaque parts).
Where a layer is transparent the behavior of the underlying layers is completely exposed. If a programmer working on the lower layer could do something, a programmer working on the upper layer can do the same thing. A transparent virtual machine adds features or functions without preventing use of the lower layers.
Where a layer is opaque it prevents certain behaviors that a programmer at the lower level could have evoked. Opaque layers can prevent unsafe activity.
This notion was originally developed by David Parnas, who illustrated it with the following example: Consider a vehicle with 4 wheels (like a car) where the front wheels can be independently turned to steer the vehicle. This vehicle is both very manuverable and very dangerous. If you steer the front wheels so that the lines of their axles intersect the line of the rear axle at a single point, you can turn the vehicle around the point of intersection. Because the front wheels can be turned arbitrarily, you can even turn the vehicle around the point midway between the rear wheels -- allowing the car to rotate in place and making it very easy to park your car.
On the other hand, if you are moving at any speed and you turn the front wheels so that the lines of their axles don't follow the basic rule above -- intersecting the line of the rear axles at two different points -- the front wheels will skid and you will lose control. At high speeds, this mistake can cause the vehicle to flip over, killing the driver.
In automobiles, we add an opaque virtual machine on top of the independently hinged front wheels. That layer consists of a (modified) parallelogram linkage that keeps the front wheels approximately parallel and, for wide radius turns, comes close to the ideal of keeping the lines of their axles intersecting the line of the rear axle at a single point. This virtual machine is not transparent -- it completely prevents turns below a minimum radius, so you have to learn complex manuvers for parallel parking, but it also prevents you from putting the front wheels into strange positions that would be very dangerous in a moving car.
The access control mechanisms of languages like Java are there to allow you to control the transparency of your implementations. If you declare components of your code to be private, for example, you can prevent unsafe manipulation of those components. Note, however, that the access control mechanisms of Java, while quite powerful, are not a complete set.
For example, if you declare a class with two methods and one component variable, you cannot declare that variable to be read-only when seen from one method and read-write when seen from another. People have proposed programming languages where this kind of fine grained control is possible, but the best you can do in Java is to add comments saying, for example, "here, variable x is never modified" where you might want to have the language prevent modification.