2. Java, Models and Objects
Part of
CS:2820 Object Oriented Software Development Notes, Fall 2017
We'll be programming in Java, a language many of you know, at least at a shallow level. Don't worry, we will go beyond the shallow level, but first, I want to make sure that everyone is up to speed, so we'll begin at the beginning. Here is the classic Hello World program in Java:
public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello, World"); } }
It hardly seems worth the effort to add comments to such a minimal program, but we will always add a minimum of commentary to all of our programs. The bare minimum is something like the following:
// HelloWorld.java /** * Program to output the text Hello World to standard output * @author Douglas W. Jones * @version 1/22/2016 */ public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello, World."); } }
Here, the first comment in the file is // HelloWorld.java This simply states the file name that this program is expected to occupy. Java (unlike many other programming languages) reqsuires that the file name for a source file match one of the classes defined in that source file, but that class definition may come much later in the file, after many comments, import directives, and even other class definitions. Therefore, in this class, we adopt the requirement that every source file begin with a comment giving the expected name of that source file.
The second comment is written in a special comment language called Javadoc. This is input to a program, also called Javadoc, that builds a web-site that documents Java programs. We will always write at least minimal Javadoc comments for every program we write, and as our programs grow, we will start exploring how Javadoc can help build useful roadmaps to the code we write.
Use a text editor to create this program and then run it!
Hello world is not a very interesting program. Here is a more interesting one. it prints successive members of the Fibonacci series to standard output:
// Fibonacci.java /** * Program to print successive Fibonacci numbers to standard output * @author Douglas W. Jones * @version 1/22/2016 */ public class Fibonacci { /** * Recursive function to compute a Fibonacci number * @param i the index of the desired Fibonacci number * @return the i'th Fibonacci number */ private static int fib( int i ) { if (i < 2) return i; return f(i - 1) + f(i - 2); } /** * Main program * Calls fib(i) for successive values of i */ public static void main(String[] args) { int i = 0; while (true) { // compute successive Fibonacci numbers System.out.println( "f(" + i + ")=" + f(i) ); i = i + 1; } } }
The above program is somewhat overcommented. At this point, these comments do not contribute much to understanding this code, but as the program grows, commentary at about this level of complexity will become essential.
A model is an abstraction of some aspect of reality. So, for example, we can describe a flood control reservoir by a set of variables and functions:
The model connects these variables and functions to describe the behavior of the reservoir:
This model is an oversimplification. It ignores groundwater, it ignores bank erosion, it ignores evaporation. All real models are oversimplifications.
We are not interested in modelling flood control reservoirs (but the Corps of Engineers in Rock Island spends quite a bit of effort on such models). The above model is, at heart, a model of a continuous system, the kind of system that is described by differential equations. Take a numerical analysis course if you want to learn more about that kind of modeling.
In object-oriented programming, our focus will be on a different class of systems, known as discrete event systems.
Consider modelling a highway network. In a highway network, our model will typically have:
In an object-oriented model, we can consider each of the above to be the name of a class, and each attribute of the objects in a class can be considered to be a field of that class. Some of these classes are more complex than others. Intersections have subclasses depending on the control algorithm. Vehicles may have subclasses that depend on the type (taxis and dump trucks have very different behavior).
The events that interest us constitute another class. The following events matter in this highway network:
The primary attribute of every event is the time at which it occurs. In a discrete event model, each event occurs at a specific instant of time. Any process that takes time is considered to occur as a sequence of events spanning that time, where each event in that sequence marks a points where the state of the model must be checked to determine when the next event in that sequence occurs.
Of course, if your model is being used in a context where there is a graphic display of the progress of the model, each vehicle, road and intersection will need to have display coordinates associated with it. (It would be very disorienting if display coordinates were recomputed with each event, possibly displaying roads or intersections in different locations.)
As a second example consider digital logic. Here, the major classes were:
Of course, if your goal is to manipulate digital logic circuits on a display screen, each gate and wire must know where it is on the display.
Events, in a digital logic circuit, represent changes in the value of the output of a gate or the output of a wire. As in the traffic example, these output state changes are considered to be instantaneous, and for Boolean logic we use only two values, true and false. In the 1960's, the Russians built some ternary computers with the three values true, unknown and false.
It turns out that the model just presented is just a bit too simplistic: To realistically simulate digital logic circuits containing feedback loops, you need the time delay of gates to have a small random component. Without this, as it turns out, metastable states of the feedback loops do not behave realistically. While you have no need to know this about logic circuitry, the refinement of a model to incorporate such details is very typical of real-world modelling.
A third example, neural networks, model the behavior of neurons in the brains of animals, including people. Note that the term neural network has another meaning, referring to classification algorithms inspired by biological neural networks. Here, we are talking about models of actual nervous systems, so the
This is vastly oversimplified, but it is still a useful approximation for how neural networks work. This model does not cover learning, which is believed to involve modification to the synapses, and it does not cover exhaustion of the neurotransmitters when a synapse fires too frequently.