Assignment 1, due Aug 25Solutions
Part of
the homework for CS:2820, Fall 2017
if i < 2, f( i ) = i
otherwise f( i ) = i + (i – 1) + f( i – 1 )
A Question: Give the values of f(0) through f(9). (1.0 point)
i | f(i) |
0 | 0 |
1 | 1 |
2 | 4 |
3 | 9 |
4 | 16 |
5 | 25 |
6 | 36 |
7 | 49 |
8 | 64 |
9 | 81 |
A question: What version is this? This is a scavenger hunt question to get you to look at the text.
Use your account to sign in to using FastX.
The following link takes you to FastX:
FastX opens a remote Linux desktop. The MATE desktop has
an icon at the top to let you open a command line shell interface in the
a terminal window.
When it is time to end your session, the exit shell command will close your terminal window. To close your FastX session and log out of Linux, click on the LogOut button in the System pull-down menu on your Linux desktop.
For additional guidance, see:
A question:
Use a shell window on a CLAS Linux machine. Type the following
[HawkID@serv16 ~]$ ~dwjones/object
(Boldface in the above is the command you type, non-bold is the prompt
from the system; type the requested text verbatim, do not change a thing.)
Report the output you got.
If you did not make it all the way to the point where you could
do the above, report how far you got.
(1 point)
Time will be provided in the discussion section to help those who have trouble with this. The rest of time will be spent demonstrating the Java hello-world program on the CLAS Linux system.
[dwjones@serv15 ~]$ ~dwjones/object On Mon Aug 28 21:40:15 CDT 2017, dwjones completed CS:2820 assignment 1. [dwjones@serv15 ~]$