22C:196:002 (CS:4908:0002) PoliciesSpring 2013
Part of
the 22C:196:002 (CS:4908:0002) Compiler Construction Collection
Time and place:
217 MacLean Hall,
10:30-11:20 Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Textbook: Course Notes
Auxiliary Text: The Falcon Programming Language
Exams There are none. This is a project-based course.
Grading: Grades will be based on participation and achievement in the compiler construction project. Collegiate norms suggest that in typical offerings at this level, about 60% of those who actually take the course (that is, who participate in class and work on the project) will earn at least a B.
Late and Incomplete Work:
Computer support: The CS departmental Linux machines. In particular, a Raspberry Pi computer, available on loan or may be purchased from any of several sources. All students will have course accounts on the Linux server. We will use the C++ language to write our compiler.
The Web All materials supporting this class are on-line at:
The Fine Print that must be repeated here as a matter of policy:
Students without the prerequisites for this couse, an introductory
computer architecture course with a data structures prerequisite,
are likely to fail.
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Code of Academic Honesty
applies in this course.
Assignments showing evidence of cheating will receive no credit and
will be reported to the college.
Reported students are put on disciplinary probation; repeat violations
may lead to suspension or expulsion.
Nevertheless, you
are encouraged to discuss homework problems with others in
the class (this is a good way to learn), but do not discuss anyone's
solutions prior to turning in your final copy!
Temporary grades of I (Incomplete) will be granted only on the
basis of discussion with the professor, preferably
as soon as possible; this must be prior to the final exam
except where "acts of God" (see above) prevent this.
If you have any disagreement or communications problem with
the teaching assistant, take it to the professor. If you have
any such problem with your professor, contact the chair of the computer
science department, 14 MLH; due process continues from there to the
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences,
120 Schaeffer Hall.
The exception: Cases of
sexual harassment may be reported directly to the
UI Sexual Misconduct Response Coordinator (335-6200).
In the event that the appropriate
channel is not obvious for any purpose, the
University Ombudsman
is available to help in
C108 Seashore Hall.
This course is given by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences,
120 Schaeffer Hall.
The rules of that college govern class policies on matters of grading and
academic conduct, and that college must approve late adds and drops. If you
are enrolled from another college, you might want to check
If, for any reason, including but not limited to long or short-term disability,
you need any kind of accomodation, including but not limited to special
seating or special arrangements for exams, please contact me during my office
hours, or at other times, in person, by phone or by E-mail. The office of
Student Disability Services in 3015
Burge Hall
may be able to help.
The inner hallways of Macbride Hall are a reasonably secure refuge from
tornado, derecho and other windstorms; the basement halls are even better.