11. The Burroughs Stack Architectures
Part of
the 22C:122/55:132 Lecture Notes for Spring 2003
An obvious problem facing the designer of a digital computer from 1948 to today is that the logic we use to implement processors is far faster than the logic we use to implement main memory. Therefore, a well balanced design must minimize the number of memory cycles consumed in executing a program. One reason that Burks, Goldstine and von Neumann proposed packing multiple instructions in a word, beside the fact that words were big and they couldn't justify large instructions, was that this reduced the number of memory cycles needed to execute a program from two per instruction to 1.5 per instruction (a single fetch followed by two execute cycles, one per halfword).
One path to follow in improving performance is to try to pack as many instructions into a word as possible. and one way to do this is to eliminate as many operand fields as possible by having the central processor use contextual information to infer the operands. This sounds difficult, but there is one general case where it is easy, the stack or push-down architecture. This was first exploited by Burroughs Corporation in the early 1960's with a brilliantly designed computer, the B5000.
The B5000 was introduced by an article in Datamation, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 28-32 (May, 1961); this is reprinted as chapter 22 of Bell and Newell's text, which has been transcribed to the web at
This paper was written for popular consumption by the common programmers of the day, but much has changed since then.
First, note that the only high level language worth note in 1961 was IBM's FORTRAN language which had been around for almost half a decade. COBOL and Algol were considered new and exciting. The excitement of Algol is still with us, since languages like Pascal, C and Ada are all descendants of Algol.
Burroughs took a radical track in deciding that they would not develop an assembly language for their machine, but rather, that they would do all off their system programming in Algol. They did compromize, developing an Algol dialect called Algol S that was used only for system work, but with this, they wrote a larger fraction of their system in a high level language than you find in today's Unix systems.
The reason they were successful is that they designed their compiler and their machine language in tandem. This view of computer architecture, where the architecture plus the compiler are seen as an implementation of a programming language, is still a bit radical, since it does everything possible to avoid letting component technology or register-transfer ideas influence the development of the architecture at the ISP level.
The list of major innovations in the B 5000 is long:
In this discussion, we will focus on the innovations Burroughs made within the CPU and not at these higher levels, and specifically on questions of instruction coding and register-transfer level design.
Unlike almost any other family of commercially successful computers (the exception is the IBM AS 400), Burroughs used a tagged architecture. The B 5000 and all of the later Burroughs stack machines descended from this used a 48-bit word, and the data type for operands was encoded in the operand itself and not in the instruction that referenced that operand:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |_|_|_ _ _ _ _ _|_|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| |f|s| 6 bits |s| 39 bits | | | exponent | operand |Integers and floating point numbers both used the same format - so, effectively, programmers could imagine that they were always using floating point. In effect, the flag bit f is used to distinguish between data words and words that have other uses. Today, we would refer to this as a tag bit.
In character mode, text was packed as 6-bit characters, 8 per word. In most cases, there was no way to accidentally refer to a word as a character string, but there were cases, and as a result, security on the B5000 was not as good as it is, for example, in Java (or in later models in the Burroughs product line).
Programs on the B5000 were composes of streams of instructin syllables, where each syllable was 12 bits. Thus, the fetch-execute cycle for straight line code could fetch one word of instructions and then execute 3 instructions before the next fetch. Many instructions were one syllable, but longer instructions were required for references to variables in the program.
All arithmetic on the B5000 used operands on the stack. Thus, for example, the add instruction could be defined, in the abstract, as
push(pop() + pop())
To allow efficient memory use, two registers were used to store the top elements of the stack, A and B. These acted as what we would now call a stack-top cache. The stack therefore existed in 3 states:
If the initial stack state was i (all in memory), a push changed the stack state to j (top item in A) without requiring any memory cycles to do the push operation. A second push would change from state j to state l, and if this was followed by a pop, the state would change to state k; a second pop would change the state to i.
Arithmetic operations such as add and subtract were implemented by first normalizing the stack to state l, bringing the top two items into the A and B registers using zero, one or two memory cycles to do so, and then doing the arithmetic and leaving the result in register B, with the stack in state k.
As a result, assuming that the stack was initially in state i (all in memory) the common instruction sequence push push add push add push add (used to add 3 numbers) would leave the stack in state k, with the sum in B, and no memory cycles would be used by the push and pop operations implied by the naive understanding of how such an instruction sequence would be implemented.
Later stack machines frequently extended this scheme to use 3 or 4 stack-top registers. The Collins Advanced Processing System (CAPS), that grew into the Rockwell Advanced Architecture Microprocessor (AAMP) is excellent example of an architecture that is directly descended from the Burroughs 5000 architecture, at least with regard to this element of the instruction set design and implementation.
The first 2 bits of the instruction were used to broadly classify the instruction
Operator syllable _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |_ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| |0 0| op -- select one of about 60 word-mode operations Literal syllable _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |_ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| |0 1| const -- push the 10-bit integer constant on the stack Operand call syllable -- today, we'd call it a load instruction _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |_ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| |1 0| displacement
The operand call uses the displacement as a word address in the current program reference table; this table (we'd call it a segment today) contains global variables and descriptors of other segments. The tag bit on the entry in this table distinguishes between the two possibilities. If a simple variable is referenced, the variable is pushed on the stack.
If the tag bit says it's a descriptor, the next most significant bits distinguish between simple pointers pointers to segments and pointers to functions. When a pointer to a simple variable is encountered, that variable pushed on the stack. This can actually go into a loop, if the variable is itself a pointer! If the tag bit indicates the descriptor for a segment, the top of the stack is popped and used as an index into the indicated segment.
Finally, the tag bit can say that the referenced item is a function! In that case, the function is called, any parameters passed to the function are popped, and the result returned by that function is pushed onto the stack!
Absolute chaos can result if the program finds a segment reference where the programmer expected a simple variable, but so long as the programmer is careful to use data structures in a manner that matches their creation, all will go well.
Descriptor call syllable -- push an address on the stack _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |_ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| |1 0| displacement
The final class of instruction pushes a descriptor on the stack instead of pushing the item referenced by the descriptor. This is valuable for pushing pointers to variables, for example, to pass parameters to a function, and it is valuable because assignment statments are encoded by pushing the desination address first. Consider
A = B + C
This is compiled as:
push descriptor A push operand B push operand C add pop
The final pop is a binary operator that stores the contents of the top item in the stack in the memory location pointed to by the descriptor under it, and then pops both of them off of the stack.
It is worth noting that the J-code used to represent Java programs in todays Internet world is identical in spirit to this code!
Note that the address space seems to be only 10 bits! This would be awful if only direct addressing was allowed, but it is survivable because single words of the program reference table (the data segment) may themselves refer to other segments, so, in effect, a program may have up to 1024 globally defined variables, each of which is either a simple variable, an array, or a structure of some other type, where each entry in such a structure may itself be composed of further secondary segments.
Nobody would have imagined implementing such a complex architecture in the vacuum tube era! Only with transistors could such complexity be miniaturized enough to fit in a room! Not only that, but the control sturcture of the fetch execute cycle is extremely irregular, requiring an extremely complex control unit to control the register transfers of the processor. We solve this control unit problem by what is called microprogramming, the subject of the next lecture. We won't give the microprogram (or even the complete specification) of the B5000. If you are interested in such machines, look at the specifications for the J-machine for a far more modern (and quite useful) example.