Assignment 8, due Mar 26
Part of
the homework for 22C:122/55:132, Spring 2004
Always, on every assignment, please write your name legibly as it appears on your University ID and on the class list! All assignments will be due on Fridays at the start of class, and unless there is what insurance companies call "an act of God", the only exceptions to this rule will be by advance arrangement.
There is an array of one-word integers A (that starts at address 7FE616). The size of this array, in words is stored in the variable AS (at address 6A0716). Write code (that begins at address 500016), where your code computes the sum of the elements of A in register 1 and then jumps to memory address Q (which is 201F16). Parenthetic values are provided for the sake of example, but you are free to substitute symbolic constants into your code.
Give your result in semi-symbolic form. Here, for example, is a register to register move from R2 to R1, encoded as a load address instruction:
load-address R1 R2 000000
And here is code to add R3 to R5:
operate R5 R3 add no-skip store
In binary, these would have been:
1100010010000000 0001010011+++001
Note that none of the documentation gives the specific encoding used to make the ALU add, so you've got to fake it a bit if you try to give binary!
One other unspecified detail about the example architecture: Assume that the displacements used for IR.dd are signed 6-bit values from -32 to +31.
divide: repeat n times -- division loop for an n-bit word -- notation: a|b means concatenate a and b, n-bits each AC|MQ = AC|MQ << 1; if AC >memory[IR.address] AC = AC - memory[IR.address] MQ = MQ or 1 -- the logical or operator endif -- note: the entire loop body is one register transfer endloop
a) Show a register transfer diagram in the style of the first diagram given in the notes for multiplicaton that shows the data paths needed for division. Note: If you work hard, you can get these data paths to be very close to topologically identical to the data paths shown for multiplication, with the difference only in the shifter, the replacement of an adder with a subtractor, and a few other differences.
b) Show a register transfer diagram that allows both multiplication and division, with a one-bit control input indicating whether it will function as a multiplier or a divider. Be very careful drawing this for legibility.
c) How does the bus interface shown in the notes get changed if it is to control this multiply/divide unit. Hint, the change is trivial, you can describe it in a sentence, and remarkably, there is no change at all to the control unit itself.
d) Give a state diagram for the control unit itself, as a Mealy machine, suitable for use with the original or modified coprocessor from the notes.