Homework 8
22C:122, Fall 1998
Due Monday Oct 26, 1998, in class
Douglas W. Jones
Look at the web page for the Hawk architecture, and propose appropriate
sequences on this machine for multiplying the contents of a register
by 3, 5, 10 and 100 (decimal). Note that the multiply support provided
on the Hawk architecture was inspired by that on the original HP PA RISC.
Discuss the feasibility of performing the kind of analysis that was used
in the Xerox Mesa project starting with source code instead of machine
code. Doing so would eliminate the need to write a working compiler prior
to designing the instruction set.
Write an efficient C function that adds two 10 digit (or more) BCD numbers.
Assume that each BCD number is stored in a pair of 32 bit words, and assume
that your machine has only a 32 bit binary integer ALU.