The following software packages are upgrades of the programs that were first
discussed in the article
K. Atkinson, An automatic program for Fredholm
linear integral equations of the second kind,
Transactions on Mathematical Software
2 (1976), pp. 154-171.
Both programs are based on the Nyström
Using Gaussian quadrature: a test program for the integral equation program DIEGAU, some data for it and the resulting output.
Using Simpson's rule: a test program for the integral equation program DIESMP, some data for it and the resulting output.
In addition, a MATLAB code Fie for solving a larger class of Fredholm integral equations of the second kind is described in the article
Kendall E. Atkinson and Larry Shampine: Solving Fredholm integral equations of the second kind in MATLAB, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 34 (2008), article #21 (20 pages), DOI: 10.1145/1377596.1377601.
In addition to dealing with smooth kernel functions, we also give methods for kernel functions with various kinds of singularity along the diagonal and for integral equations over an infinite interval.
The accompanying program package for Fie is available at